18 May 2017

7 Gadgets That Are Often Used For Ghost Hunting

Posted by Abirama on Thursday, May 18, 2017 in | 1 comment

There are so many people that already have a smartphone or other advanced gadget, and most of them used it for browsing, calling somebody, taking a picture, etc. But did you ever stop and think, are there a gadgets that are used for ghost hunting? 

The answer is yes, there are some gadgets that often used for today's "paranormal" to catch or see a ghost. Actually, these gadgets are created for something else. And not for ghost hunting, but some people still used it with an expectation that they will meet with ghosts. The use of gadgets is more dominant here, because its function is more capable of producing something that can be studied scientifically. Let's just go to the list:

7 Gadgets That Are Often Used For Ghost Hunting 
Just for reminder that ghosts haven't been scientifically proven. And this article, is just for entertainment only. If you want to catch or seen a ghosts, then go ahead. I'm not responsible for any incidents.

1. Thermal Camera
Thermal camera

In the first list, we have a thermal camera. Thermal cameras are able to provide a visual representation of an object that has hot or cold spots. Basically, a ghost is an energy that can be felt, the energy itself has a hot or cold nature.

That is why paranormals often use this device to capture ghost objects that appear. If you want to try this tool please go to a dark place, point the thermal camera in the desired direction, observe whether something is coming up.

2. Digital Voice Recorder

This gadgets are familiar among paranormals. The energy that generated by a ghosts can also be felt by the humans around them, whether from touch, sight, or voice. This is why digital voice recorder is very popular for paranormals. 

Sometimes the sound produced by ghosts can not be heard by our ears, but if you used digital recordings. Everything can seem more clear, usually the paranormal will ask questions to invisible beings. After that the recording will be checked and edited so that the sound gets heard more clearly.

3. EMF Meter
Emf Meter

EMF Meter is used to measure the electromagnetic level of an object. Usually objects containing electromagnetics are electrical equipment or things that made from iron. 

Apparently, the energy of a ghosts are also believed to produce high electromagnetic levels. If you are in a dark places and your EMF Meter device is moving irregularly, then it's a sign you're being watched by ghosts

4. Full-Spectrum Camera
Full Spectrum Camera

This type of camera is able to detect objects or ghost's light using infrared and ultraviolet technology.

5. Motion Detector
Motion Detector

Motion detector is a gadget for detecting movement.  This gadgets often used by a paranormals to check the situation of a place. If the device gives an ongoing signal coming, then the ghost may be gathering around you.

6. Laser Grid Scope
Laser Grid Scope

This device is used to project a laser light-shaped box of green dots in a room. Just a little laser light is experiencing a pause in the pattern that is formed, then certainly there is something that happened. Usually this laser device is placed in front of the camera device.

7. Thermometer

Usually the presence of invisible beings will make the room temperature changed drastically. That is the function of this thermometer, paranormal or ghost hunter must use this equipment to support its activities. It is said that the temperature of the room suddenly changed its temperature to be more or less as much as 10 degrees or more, then it can be ascertained if the area is the best place to hunt the ghost.

1 comment:

  1. Gadgets to have when Ghost Hunting
    Ghost searchers are not uncommon in almost every city and town. Many urban legends have it of spirits existing or coming into the human world, in the form of another being. Ghost hunts would definitely need some equipment in order to be able to look properly for ghosts, and this equipment can already be easily found in a hardware store, or online.
    First, one may assume that a ghost is human-like, and may possess some body temperature, and that is what having thermal cameras or scopes can be used for. These thermal gadgets will be able to detect heat, likely from living and non-living things. Similarly, a thermometer can also be useful, in that it can detect changes in room temperature, which is assumed that a location will drastically have a change in temperature once it has been occupied from a being from another world as well. Another gadget that is popular with ghost hunters are voice recorders. Since recorders are able to detect sound in many wavelengths, many claim that the wavelengths of ghosts are on a different level from humans, but still can be detected from a recorder. Motion detectors can also be useful, especially in a steady and empty place. These gadgets will be able to detect if there is some movement even when nothing is visible to the naked eye. Overall, these are the basic gadgets to own if one is interested on going on a ghost hunt. Be wary, and always look behind you!
